Meet with our Clever Devices
Product Experts in Booth 2552!

Our knowledgeable product experts will be available to provide in-depth insights, answer your questions, and guide you through the latest enhancements in our ITS solutions. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore how our solutions can power your transit experience.

Schedule your exclusive booth time with our product experts at booth 2552!

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Clever's innovative solutions empower your agency to deliver unparalleled efficiency and reliability to your riders. Our comprehensive and dynamic ITS suite offers a multifaceted approach, including data analysis, electric vehicle management, cutting-edge communication strategies and state-of-the-art optimization. By harnessing the Power of Clever, your agency gains the strategic advantage of proactive readiness, ensuring seamless operations from
pull-out to pull-in. 

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With the power of accurate historical or real-time data, you can make better decisions and plan more effectively. Better planning leads to increases in customer satisfaction and ridership.

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The power of visibility allows your agency to have full situational awareness of all your vehicles, from the yard to the street. Never miss an event or incident.



Propel your agency forward with the power of sustainability. Manage your electric vehicle investment throughout your entire system.

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The power of optimization will simplify your service scheduling process to ensure that you create reliable service in the most economical and efficient manner possible.

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Provide your customer with real-time information wherever they are on their journey with the power of RTPI.

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Expand your communications outside of a dated LMR system. With the Power of Clever Communications, save time and money without losing any voice quality. 


Operate at Peak Efficiency
With Enhanced Control

Control and manage your onboard systems from one central system. With IVN-R, you get rail-certified, advanced technology that connects all your systems, allowing you to communicate with customers and collect and analyze the data needed to operate at peak efficiency.

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Operate at Peak Efficiency
With Enhanced Control

Control and manage your onboard systems from one central system. With IVN-R, you get rail-certified, advanced technology that connects all your systems, allowing you to communicate with customers and collect and analyze the data needed to operate at peak efficiency.

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Schedule an In-Booth Meeting at APTA EXPO Today!